1. Interactive Approved Plants List

Interactive Approved Plants List

This list is extracted from Easton Park’s Approved Plants List found at the community’s HOA portal, Enumerate and a mirror is also hosted on this website.

Although this list is advertised as “the approved plants list”, the first page of the document states:

The attached list should be used as a starting point for selecting plants in the Easton Park. Requirements for specific Lots may be more or less restrictive depending on landscape indigenous to the immediate site and the location of the site within the Development.”

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Easton Park Approved Plants List

It is recommended to view this table on a desktop computer or in landscape mode on your mobile device or tablet. Not all columns are available on mobile phones and tablets. Please click the “+” in order to expand that row’s data.

Approved Plants List

wdt_ID Common Name Botanical Names Ht. x Spd. Min. Size & Spacing Re. Drought Tolerant Type of Tree/Plant Seasonality
1 Glossy Abelia Abelia grandiflora 6' X 6' 4' O.C. Yes Large Shrubs Evergreen
2 Dwarf Abelia Abelia grandiflora, dwarf varieties 3' X 3' 3' o.c. Yes Large Shrubs Evergreen
3 Huisache Acacia farnesiana 20' X 20' 8' ht yes Ornamental Tree
4 Bigtooth Maple Acer grandidentatam 30'x20' 2" cal. Yes Shade Trees Deciduous
5 Japanese Maple Acer palmaturn ]5' X ]0' 6'ht. no Shade Trees Deciduous
6 Yarrow Achillea millefoium 10" x 3' 2" o.c. yes Perenials
7 Red Buckeye Aesculus pavia 10' x20' 8' ht yes Ornamental Tree
8 Agapan1hus Agapan1hus africanus 24"ht. 2' O.C. No GROUND COVERS, AND PERENNIALS Perennials
9 Agave Agave spp. 4' x6' 5' o.c. Yes Accents
10 White Mistflower/Boneset Ageratina havanensis 5' X 3' 3' O.C. Yes Large Shrubs Decidious
11 Big Bluestem Andropogon geraniii 5' X 3' 36" o.c. Yes Grasses Ornamental
12 Bushy Bluestem Andropogon glomeratus 4' x2' 36" o.c. Yes Grasses Ornamental
13 Flame Acanthus Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii 3' x3' 3' O.C. Yes Small Shrubs Deciduous
14 Coral Vine/Rose of Montana Antigonon leptopus NA NA Yes Vines Deciduous
15 Red Columbine Aquilegia canadensis 3 X 2 12" o.c. yes Perenials
16 Hinkley's Columbine Aquilegia chrysan1ha x 'Hinkleyana' 3' X 2' 12" O.C. Yes GROUND COVERS, AND PERENNIALS Perennials
17 Yellow Columbine Aquilegia chrysantha 3' x2' 12" o.c. yes Perenials
18 Texas Madrone Arbutus texana 25' X 30' 6' ht. Yes Shade Trees Evergreen
19 Artemesia Artemesia ludoviciana 2' x2' 2' o.c. Yes Small Shrubs Evergreen
20 Powis Castle Artemesia Artemesia x 'Powis Castle' 2' X 2' 2' O.C. Yes Large Shrubs Evergreen
21 Mexican Weed Asclepias curassivica 3' x I' 12" O.C. Yes GROUND COVERS, AND PERENNIALS Perennials
22 Cast lron Piant Asoidistra eiatior 36" X 24" 24" O.C. No Small Shrubs Evergreen
23 Bamboo Bambusa spp. 6' x6' No Grasses Ornamental
24 Anacacho Orchid Tree Bauhinia congesta 6' X 12' 8' ht Yes Ornamental Tree
25 Japanese Barberry Berberis thunbergii 5' x 5' 3' o.c. Yes Large Shrubs Decidious
26 Red Leaf Japanese Barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea' 2' x 2' 2' o.c. Yes Large Shrubs Decidious
27 Japanese Barberry dwarf Berberis thunbergii, dwarf varieties 2' x 2' 2 O.C Yes Large Shrubs Decidious
28 Agarita Berberis trifoliata 4' x 4' 3' o.x. Yes Large Shrub Evergreen
29 Crossvine Bignonia capreolata 50' NA Yes Vines Evergreen
30 Bougainvillea Bougainvillea spp. NA NA Yes Vines Deciduous
31 Side Oats Grama Bouteloua curtipendula 3' X 2' 36" o.c. Yes Ornamental Grasses
32 Blue Grama Bouteloua gracilis l' X l' Seed Yes Ornamental Grasses
33 Buffaloerass Buchloe dactvloides I' XI' Seed Yes Ornamental Grasses
34 Butterfly Bush Buddleja davidii S' XS' 4' o.c. yes Large Shrub Deciduous
35 Wooly Butterfly Bush Buddleja marrubiiifolia 6' x 6' 5' o.c. Yes Large Shrubs Decidious
36 Bulbine bulbine frutescens/caulescens 2' x 2.5' 2' o.c. Yes GROUND COVERS, AND PERENNIALS Perennials
37 Poinciana Caesalpinia pulcherrima 6' x 6' 2' o.c. Yes GROUND COVERS, AND PERENNIALS Perennials
38 American Beautyberry Callicarp americana 6' x6' S' O.C. Yes Large Shrub Deciduous
39 Winecups Callirhoe involucrata l'x3·· I 3' 0.C yes Perenials
40 Calylophus Calylophus berlandieri l' X l' 12" O.C. yes Perenials
41 Horseherb Calypiocarpus vialis 8' ht. 12" O.C. Yes Small Shrubs Evergreen
42 Trumpet Vine Campsis radicans NA NA Yes Vines Deciduous
43 Canna Lily Canna spp 4' x.4' 4' o.c. No GROUND COVERS, AND PERENNIALS Perennials
44 Chile Pequin Capsicum annum 3' x3' 2' o.c. Yes Small Shrubs Deciduous
45 Meadow Sedge Carex perdentata 18"x 18" 12"O.C. Yes Small Shrubs Evergreen
46 Texas Sedge Carex texensis 8"x 18" 12" O.C. Yes Small Shrubs Evergreen
47 Berkeley Sedge Carex tumulicola 12"x 12" 12"O.C. Yes Small Shrubs Evergreen
48 Pecan Carya illinoisnensis 50' x 50' 3" cal. Yes Shade Trees Deciduous
49 Lindheimer's Cassia Casria lindheimeriana 2' x 3' 2 o.c. Yes Large Shrubs Decidious
50 Flowering Senna Cassia corymbosa 8' x6' S' o.c. Yes Large Shrub Deciduous
Common Name Botanical Names Ht. x Spd. Min. Size & Spacing Re. Drought Tolerant Type of Tree/Plant Seasonality

Data is accurate as of August 2nd, 2022

Do Not Plant List

The following list is taken from the Native and Adapted Landscape Plants Grow Green invasive plant list. See Grow Green guide for most current list.

  • Running Bamboo
  • Chinaberry
  • Chinese Parasol Tree
  • Chinese Pistache
  • Giant Cane
  • Kudzu
  • Japanese Ligustrum
  • Paper Mulberry
  • Nandina (berrying varieties)
  • Common Privet
  • Russian Olive
  • Tree of Heaven
  • Elephant Ear
  • Holly Fern
  • Wisteria (non-native)
  • Cat’s Claw Vine
  • Chinese Tallow
  • Japanese Honeysuckle
  • Wax LeafLigustrum
  • Mimosa (non-native)
  • White Mulberry
  • Chinese Photinia
  • Pyracantha
  • Salt Cedar Tamarisk
  • Vitex (agnus-castus)
  • English Ivy
  • Vinca (perennial varieties)

Does Not Meet Design Guidelines


  • Arizona Ash
  • Bradford Pear
  • Chinese Elm (Drake and Lacebark)
  • Green Ash
  • Italian Cypress
  • Palm Trees
  • River Birch
  • Silver Maple
  • Sugar Maule
  • Sweetgum


  • Azaleas
  • Boxwood
  • Burford Holly
  • Camellias
  • Chinese Holly
  • Euonymus
  • Indian Hawthorne
  • Photinia
  • Pittosporurn
  • Rhododend

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Updated on March 5, 2024
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