
Exterior Lighting

Exterior Lighting must be approved in advance by the Easton Park Reviewer, and is decaled in the Master Covenant on Article 6, Section K.

Easton Park is a part of the Dark Skies Initiative and certain rules will abide by that initiative.

The following is not an official guide from Cohere or Associa. Much for the below is a condensed, or plain-speak, version of the official language. Please see the official HOA Guidelines for exact language.


Exterior lights where the direct source is visible from a street or neighboring property, or produces excessive glare to pedestrian or vehicle traffic.

Exterior mounted lamp houses must shield lamp from view and direct light, and must not be a maximum of 75 watts.

Housing must be 8 inches long, extend 3 inches beyond lamp and have a maximum angle from wall of the structure of 30 degrees.

Decorative or lantern fixtures shall have a maximum of 45 watts per fixture.


The number of exterior light fixtures for the house and landscape may be limited in order to prevent excessive lighting.

When lighting is being installed, a night time inspection and written approval may be required prior to final installation.

Prohibited Elements

  • Non-white or color corrected high intensive lamps. This excludes holiday lighting which may not be installed more than 21 days before a holiday, and removed no more than 14 days after the holiday.
  • Sodium, mercury vapor, or bare HID yard lights.
Updated on July 18, 2021

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