Park Hours: Sunrise to Sunset/Dawn to Dusk (Once Officially Opened)
The Easton Bark dog park is a temporary dog park that broke ground as of May 2021, and is expected to take between 3-4 months to complete. It is being built south of The Union, next to the parking lot.
It will include benches, shade cover, small and large dog areas. The park will not be taken down until the official, permanent dog park location is announced and opened.[1]June 2nd, 2021 Town Hall
There will not be lighting as the dog park is not meant to be permanent.[2]September 1st, 2021 Town Hall. It was also revealed to be undecided on what will exist after the dog park is removed.
Once the future permanent dog park is built, the temporary dog park will be replaced with additional Union Park East homes.
The dog park was completed with a few features still pending in mid-September 2021.
As of mid-October 2021, it was announced the dog park will have an opening in mid-November.
Rules Posted at Dog Park
Leave these at home:
- Food of any kind (for dogs or humans)
- Dogs in heat
- Tobacco & alcohol
- Glass containers
- Sick dogs
- Aggressive dogs
Dog Rules
Want to be a Bark Ranger? Follow these rules:
- Must be 4 months old to enter
- No biting or aggressive behavior
- Share sticks and toys
- Listen to your people
- Sniffing butts is fine, but please respect other dogs’ boundaries
Human Rules
To keep your two– and four-legged neighbors safe, please follow these rules:
- Park is open from dawn to dusk daily.
- Dogs must be leashed while entering and exiting the park area.
- You must be in the park, supervising your dog at all times.
- By State Law, rabies vaccinations are required for all dogs.
The Poop Scoop
Please scoop the poop
Pet waste contains worms, protozoa, and fecal coliform bacteria, and the average dog makes .5 pounds of poop a day! When it rains, dog feces run into stream[s], polluting our waterways.
Image Gallery
Dog park sidewalk under construction facing West Fences installed near West entrance Sidewalk under construction facing South
Nearing Completion
Solari Road Entrance sign Solari entrance gate sign Dog Park Rules Prohibited dogs and items Human rules Dog waste information Dog Park is closed until Grand Opening Walkway from Solari to entrance Walking towards Solari from entrance. Exit sign Entrance sign from The Union Entrance gate from The Union Exit signs walking toward The Union Exit sign Entrance signs walking from The Union