
Quarter 2 June 22, 2023 Town Hall

Quarter 2 Easton Park Town Hall Meeting at The Union


  • Teffani Davis – Executive Director
  • Paul Cardenas – Director of Community Engagement
  • AJ Zorn – Director of Land, Brookfield
  • Brad Shelton – Division President, Brookfield
  • Matt Chase – VP, Community Association and Easton Park Master Community Board President

Pool Issues

Umbrellas – Whether has damaged many of the pool umbrellas, leaving only three left. Looking at more permanent solutions to avoid weather damage.

Pool Maintenance – The pool is cleaned 5 days a week. Third-party pool maintenance company remotely monitors chemicals. Reminder to rinse off before going into the pool.

ADA Lift Chairs – Don’t play with them. Has been repaired twice in the first six months of 2023.

Development Updates

Skyline Park

Development and construction is under way. It is expected that the park will be done at the end of the year (2023). Common obstacles such as weather, supply chains, and permitting can delay the progress into Q1 2024. Grand Opening might occur during the colder months, and not include expected amenities like the splash pad.

Prospect Park

The Prospect Park Park construction kicked off in June 2023. “This is the future” sign on the Eastern portion of Ausblick is going to be park.

Pilot Park

Pilot Park Park expected to start in July 2023 with construction occurring through November 2024.

Paley Park & Baloa Park

  • Will be developed in tandem with Slaughter Lane as these two subdivisions will be sandwiched between Skytex St. and Slaughter Lane.
  • These will be urban Brookfield Residential detached condo homes similar to what is found in Union Park East and Union Village.
  • Once Union Village sales are complete, homes will start be sold for these two subdivisions



What is the estimated timeline for Union Park West Park?

Currently at 4th round of review. Waiting for City/County.

Can you provide a timeline and update on the next amenity center?

Will be located on the South side of Easton Park, south of Slaughter Lane. Once the community gets closer to construction for the homes in that area, the second amenity center will be developed. No timeframe known.

Are there any plans or consideration for a lazy river?

South amenity center has some initial vision will have some kind of water feature. The exact details are not certain, and design is on the early side.

Can you provide an update for the next amenities, including types of sports courts?

Courts will be mixed within the forthcoming parks and South Amenity Center. Outside of amenities at forthcoming parks (Skyline, Prospect, Pilot, etc.) is that there will be a permanent dog park, which timing is still unknown. Some sort of sports court will be included in the second amenity center.


Can you provide update on IDEA property?

No updates, but working closely with IDEA Schools to determine the best suit for that lot. It will be commercial of some sort.

What is the timeline for commercial development near CVS

Supply chain issues with underground stuff. One retail building is moving forward to be built.

Are there any changes to what will be in the commercial development near CVS?

Unknown. Summer Moon did back out.

Is there an update on the commercial development located at William Cannon and 183? What stores or businesses will be there?

Brookfield does not own the land East of William Cannon. One lot was closed by Brookfield, but is not being announced.

Q&A Roads

Are there plans to add a 3-way stop sign at Colton Bluff and Union Park Lane?

No. There is not, and most likely will not be enough traffic to warrant a stop sign at that intersection.

Are there plans to add speed limit sights and additional stop signs throughout Easton Park?

The presence or lack of speed limit signs are based on code as interpreted by Travis County. Where Brookfield and Engineers have the ability to interpret the law, they push for slower speeds, and place as many signs as allowed.  

When can we expect all lanes to be open on William Cannon?

Four lanes of asphalt have been put down. Currently being landscaped. There will be a mix of lanes open through August. There will be a monument at the corner of 183 and William Cannon.

Can you provide an update on the Slaughter Lane expansion?

Slaughter Lane is not needed and will be built ahead of required access to build forthcoming subdivisions and South Amenity Center. Not something started in the next three months.

Can “No Parking” signs be installed on Colton Bluff in front of the food truck park?

Brookfield cannot just add them. It’s a county requirement through Transportation and Natural Resources (TNR). Can assess and analyze the problem.

What is the traffic plan for the new Knob Hill entrance? Why is there not a left turn?

Brookfield had to fight for each break in the median. Brookfield is unable to add any additional breaks in the median to account for a left hand turn into Knob Hill from William Cannon.


Will there be trails connecting Skyline Park to Pilot Park?

Yes. No timeline available. The trails will cross Cottonmouth Creek, so there is an environmental aspect involved, and are in the permitting process.

With the completion of the Westbound Bridge on William Cannon, what is the plan and approximate timeline for a pedestrian trail between Bryant Park/Knob Hill Neighborhoods and The Union?

More confident than the previous Town Hall. 60-90 days with an expected 30 day project. Legally, it is 3-4 times more expensive than a traditional sidewalk. Will provide more detail at the next town hall.

Are there any plans to install water stations along the trails?


Considering summer in Texas, nighttime, plans to install any additional lighting within the Dark Skies initiative.

Something to be looked at.


What are the landscaping plans along the perimeter Union Park West

Brookfield is in the process of landscaping the southern edge.

What is the product planned to be developed between Hillock and Cota Vista?

Mix of different products. Town homes, etc. Two parks

What product is planned to be developed next to Ariza Apartments?

It will be a mix of different products. Nothing decided yet.

Can you share why there are different fence types throughout the community and if there are plans to include additional options for a more enclosed fence for pets and children?

Wood fences are in the older part of the community. This was the original intent of the design.  Starting in 2019 there was a change in how the homes should look focusing on an open look. This is also to follow updated City [of Austin] code, which doesn’t allow wood on the exterior of a home. An evolution of the code has allowed for iron gates that face the road, while the rest of the fencing is wood.

For residents who want privacy with iron fencing, landscaping is the best option. See interactive approved plants list.

The street light at Hillock and Colton Bluff was recently removed, is there a plan to install it after construction?

Being investigated.

Will street lights be installed on William Cannon like what is currently installed on the other side of McKinney Falls?

There will be lights at William Cannon, just not installed yet.

Updated on July 31, 2023

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