The developer, Brookfield Residential, nor Cohere, have no say in the installation of traffic signs including speed limit signs.
If you encounter speeding, please contact the Travis County Sheriff’s non-emergency line or Travis County Representative.
William Cannon
Additional lanes will be constructed within the next yea[1]July 2021 Newsletter.
Additional traffic lights will be built along William Cannon between McKinney Falls and 183. Brookfield is working with Bluebonnet and Travis County for planning.[2]June 2nd, 2021 Town Hall
William Cannon & Colton-Bluff Springs Road Intersection Collisions
Since the eastern section of William Cannon opened up past Colton-Bluff Springs Road, the intersection had see several severe collisions.
On April 16th, Executive Director Christy Gross released the following:
From the Brookfield Development Team, RE: William Cannon Intersection
Dear Easton Park Residents,
Executive Director (Christy Gross) on Apr 16, 2021 10:30 am
As part of our commitment to transparency and community safety, we wanted to share details on our efforts to improve the intersection of Colton Bluff Springs Road and William Cannon Drive. We love seeing the growth in and around our community. However, with that growth comes increased traffic and the need to adapt the roadways around us to keep conditions safe. Public safety is our top priority, and those aren’t just words—our actions are backing that up.
We’ve heard your concerns about this intersection loud and clear. Please know that we share them and have been proactive in our efforts to make this intersection safer. We are working with our partners at Travis County to ensure those concerns are addressed.
We are working toward adding enhancements at this intersection, including paying for and installing a stoplight. That process takes time (approximately a year and a half for design, review, permitting and construction), but we are committed to making it happen. It will first operate as a flashing intersection and then transition to a full traffic signal once justified by traffic counts.
Until a permanent light can be installed, our engineers have been working in partnership with the County and together we are making improvements in the area to increase its safety and visibility. Over the course of the next few weeks, you will see a number of changes at this intersection, including restriping and installation of a larger stop sign. We are also working with Travis County to install a “stop ahead” sign for cars heading north on Colton Bluff Springs Road approaching William Cannon Drive.
All of these steps we’re taking, with the support and cooperation of Travis County, have your safety and that of your loved ones in mind.
We are working hard to meet these deadlines, and we will keep you updated on the developments through The Community Life Team. If you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to our office at 512-641-3975 or EastonPark@DMBCommunityLife.com.
We’re committed to doing the right thing to make Easton Park the best it can be. Thank you for being part of our wonderful community!
Brookfield Residential and Travis County
Slaughter Lane Extension

Colton-Bluff Springs
Colton-Bluff Spring will under go improvements to down-size the medians and add bike lanes.
↑1 | July 2021 Newsletter |
↑2 | June 2nd, 2021 Town Hall |