Skyline Park encompasses over 62 acres in Easton Park is expected to have 524 residential lots once completed. This will also include a 21 acre park. It is considered to be Easton Park Section 2B. The land exists within the Cottonmouth Creek and North Ford Dry Creek watersheds.
Prior to purchase by Carma Easton LLC (previously as Jona Acquisition Inc.) the land where Skyline Park exists was previously used for hay production for over half a century[1]Easton Park Section 2B Preliminary Plan Subdivision Review Sheet – May 9th, 2017. It is located within the Blackland Prairies vegetation area.
Skyline Park Community Park
Skyline Park will be build to the west of the Skyline subdivision, across the street from Hillock Terrace. It is expected to have a “central park” feel as it will be positioned in the most central portion of Easton Park.
“Mobilization” is expected to begin by the end of 2021 or early 2022[2]June 2nd, 2021 Town Hall. Ground breaking occurred in early August 2022 and was mentioned to have a $13 million price tag[3]August 31st, 2022 Town Hall Meeting.
At a September 1st, 2021 Town Hall meeting, it was explained that many of the amenities initially advertised for the Union Park West Loop Park would be better suited for Skyline Park. This would include the advertised amphitheater.
On July 27th, Brookfield Residential resubmitted a press release stating that the ground breaking would commence on August 3rd, 2022. Matt McCafferty of Brookfield Residential; Vanessa Fuentes, city of Austin Councilmember; Andy Brown, Travis County Judge; and Travis County Commissioner Margaret Gomez were in attendance to celebrate.
At the September 2023 Town Hall meeting, it was stated that the park is expected to be completed in January 2024, with a grand opening to follow.

Pocket Parks
- Chrysler Bend
On the east side of Chrysler Bend, there is a pocket park that has a small lawn, some stone benches, and a pavilion with tables and bench seating.

- Donnelly Dr. and Petronas Pass Pocket Park
- Tokohama Terrace and Gilwice Ln
Skyline Trail System
A trail system from Colton Bluff Springs to Kieke Park will begin construction in June 2021 with an expected 3-4 month buildout.[4]June 2nd, 2021 Town Hall
Additionally, paved trails exist between some of the homes, one of which begins at the Chrysler Bend Pocket Park and goes west.
A fence is expected to be built between the trail and adjacent properties.
