
Solar Power Home Installations

Easton Park homeowners have the right to have solar panels or a “Solar Energy Device” installed in their homes. Solar power installation is bound by the terms and provisions Article 3, Section 3.11 and of Article 6 of the Master Covenant.

The following is not an official guide from Cohere or Associa. Much for the below is a condensed, or plain-speak, version of the official language. Please see the official HOA Guidelines for exact language.

Easton Park Solar Power Approval Information


When submitting the application to have solar power installed, you must provide

  • Proposed installation location
  • Description of the device with dimensions, manufacturer, and photograph or accurate depiction

Application and process can be found on the Nabr Network under Architectural Control Resources (Exterior Modifications).

Approval Process

Application will be approved according to Article 6 (Easton Park Reviewer) and the approval conditions in Article 3,Section 3.11(c) (Approval Conditions below). Review may make a determination that the device, despite Section 3.11(c), may interfere with the use and enjoyment of the property or causing unreasonable discomfort or annoyance to person with ordinary sensibilities. This can be negated with written approval from all Owners of Lots immediately adjacent to the Owner/applicant.

Approval Conditions

The Easton Park Reviewer can determine the placement of solar panels on a roof unless the the Owner’s location request can provide a 10% improvement of energy production as indicated by a publicly available modeling tool provided by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

If installed on the roof, the solar energy device may not extend higher than or beyond the roofline, and must confirm to the slope of the roof and be parallel to the roofline.

Updated on July 17, 2021

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